Volunteers are the heart of the repairs we provide. More than 300,000 volunteers have made a huge difference since 1982. Our contractors provide licensed work to make the home safer and more resilient, then volunteers complete the project. This helps us to stretch each dollar to serve even more of our neighbors: low-income elderly, U.S. Military Veterans and working families in need.
Here’s how you can join us:
Volunteer Crews
Crews of about 20 volunteers join us from companies, trade associations, faith groups or community organizations. Here’s how we run our Volunteer Home Repair Program (VHRP):
Companies and other capable crews sponsor RTH with a financial commitment. See our sponsorship levels as a guide.
Plan for the project to be 2 8-hour days
Most of our volunteers work in April and October, but any month may be available
Our spring VHRP is coming up.
If you’re interested in volunteering,
please contact Lenny DiFranza <ldifranza@rebuildinghouston.org>
Self-led crews can suggest their own work days and we will discuss if those days are available.
Read more about the role of Crew Leaders here.
To ask questions about volunteering, please contact Lenny DiFranza <ldifranza@rebuildinghouston.org>.
Not part of a large group? No problem!
We Need Volunteers!
BECOME A SUPER CREW LEADER! We need Skilled Volunteers to teach project management and carpentry skills to new volunteer crews. We'll thank you with special apparel and other rewards and you'll have the gratitude of homeowners and RTH Staff alike!
JOIN OUR SAFE AND SOUND SERVICES PROGRAM! Work alongside our trained staff to prevent fires and falls and make needed safety upgrades!
SUPPORT EXISTING CREWS. Sign up and we'll let you know when volunteer home repair crews need your help. Repair experience is not necessary, but greatly appreciated. If you want to volunteer along with someone else, include their name.
Thank you to all our volunteers!
Tour our warehouse: materials for VHRP
We’re ready help you repair some homes!