Crew + Site Safety
Crew leaders (or their appointed Safety Officer) are responsible for conducting a brief safety meeting prior to any work on the job site for all volunteers. Prior to the work day, they will complete a Job Hazard Analysis form to review potential hazards.
Suggested Safety Talking Points
Wear two name tags one on the front and one on the back, so people can get your attention if they needed. We love ones made from duct tape!
Wear your gloves, glasses and personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times. This includes gloves, masks, safety glasses and any other necessary safety gear.
Our biggest risk onsite is slips, trips, and falls. Watch for uneven ground, equipment and tools on the ground. Keep your work area clean and clear.
Never work underneath anyone regardless of whether they are standing on the ground or on a ladder.
Stay hydrated, even in cool weather. Frequent water breaks are necessary.
Take care of others. If you see someone doing something unsafe, let them know.
If you are injured, regardless of how minor, seek first aid immediately, and make sure the crew leader is informed as well as an RTH staff member.
To report incidents please call Karla Carranza (832) 628-2547, or Jim Long (281) 743-7036
Be aware of environmental dangers. These can include, but are not limited to, fire ants, poison ivy, and overhead power lines.