Home Assignments
For Volunteer Home Repair, crew home assignments will not be available until the day before the Crew Leader Meeting, which typically takes place two weeks before the initial work day. Timing will be on a house-by-house basis for Home After Harvey crews.
Assignment information will include:
- The home address
- Homeowner's name and contact information
- Preliminary scope of work
It is crucial that the homeowner be contacted prior to any work being done on site. Ideally, crew leaders should visit the homeowners personally, making sure to call in advance to arrange the initial meeting. This enables crew leaders to develop a relationship with the homeowner, who should be kept informed of the entire repair process.
The site visit also allows crew leaders to assess the scope of work for their assigned home. The scope of work should be considered as a starting guide, repairs of require more or fewer materials than outlined in the scope of work. The site visit also enables crew leaders to determine the types of tools and volunteer skills which will be required to facilitate all repairs.
Other items to take note of during your initial site visit:
- Parking Limitations
- Logistical Issues (e.g. fire ants, dogs)
- Safety Concerns